Industrial Exhaust Fans For Air & Light Dust
Industrial Exhaust Fans and Blowers handle air involving clean dry gas, light particles or saturated gas. They are often components of heavy industrial equipment used to provide ventilation, replacing the exhaust air with fresh air. Many other applications depend on this fan type for forced and induced draft air.
Industrial Exhaust Fan Description
The IEAH model is AirPro’s air-handling industrial exhaust fan. This fan features a streamlined and heavy-duty design. Though not as efficient as our fully backward inclined or backward curved options, this design does include a partial backward inclined blade design to increase efficiency. The blade is also angled to reduce material buildup and braced for extra support.
Our IEAH and backward curved models can be used for similar applications. The IEAH has a lower upfront cost than its backward curved counterparts, but the backward curved design routinely offers higher static efficiency and reduced cost of ownership through energy savings. Our application engineering group will work with you to evaluate your fan options and maximize your return on investment.
Common Industrial Exhaust Fan Applications
Pollution Control: our industrial exhaust fans are used with oxidizers, scrubbers, and other industrial equipment to remove fumes from a variety of manufacturing processes. Custom material, coatings, and linings are available. Learn More
General Ventilation: minimum standards of air quality are regulated across the spectrum of industry. Learn how our fans are used to improve and maintain acceptable levels of air quality.
Additional Applications: IEAH fans offer solutions to many other applications requiring process air, and our offerings include many custom features along with our standard designs. Learn More
Industrial Exhaust Fan Performance & Design
- Volume: up to 80,000 cfm
- Pressure: up to 45”wg
- Temperature: up to 1200°F
- Static Efficiency: up to 70%
- Drive: Belt & Direct