Rotary Scrubbers
Rotary Scrubbers can remove fine dust particles and harmful gases as well as odors that might cause concern for communities around an industrial plant. They can be supplied in one or two stage configurations that consume low quantities of fresh water and occupy a small footprint in either vertical or horizontal installations.
The MikroPul rotary scrubber design gives users the ability to handle variable gas volumes in a process while achieving particle efficiencies above 99%. Typically, high dust content in volumes from 300 cfm to 60,000 cfm can still be accommodated with less than 0.22 psi pressure drop. Rotary scrubbers are good replacements for older “plate” or “tray” wet scrubber designs.
Our rotary scrubbers can be fabricated with various materials from Stainless steel to GRP (glass fiber reinforced plastic).

Target Applications:
- Separation of color pigments
- Hazardous waste incineration
- Separation of plexi-glass dust
- Chlorsilane production
- Fertilizer manufacture
- Gas treatment of sewage sludge
The scrubber contains a primary and main scrubbing section.
In the primary scrubber, the dirty gas enters and flows bottom to top in a helical fashion. Coarse particles are separated here.
The gas can pass by one or two washing sections. A quickly rotating atomizer wheel creates a thin liquid film by sending the centrally supplied liquid through guide vanes.
At the outside edge of the wheel the liquid breaks into fine droplets, with droplet size determined by wheel speed and liquid flow rate. A liquid curtain is created across the entire cross section of the flow.
The effect is for gaseous and particulate pollutants to be separated. A second atomizer wheel section can be applied to improve efficiencies. Droplet and particle agglomerations are forced against the chamber walls and washed out of the sludge outlet. A mist eliminator is employed before clean gas exits the top of a vertical scrubber.